Game thinking from Adam Clare

Tag: interactive

Getting Started With Some Interactive Fiction

Interactive Fiction (IF) is a solid way to deliver a fun game experience. You can find numerous examples at the IF Archive. You can even play the IF of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!

I’m a big fan of the IF game Horse Master.

But how does one go about making these games?

Here’s an introduction for writing your interactive fiction which I recently presented:

Relevant links from the presentation:
StoryNexus and a quick start guide.
Inform 7
Twine and a great resource for Twine code.

See more on my game creation page.

Publishing interactive fiction

Once you have your piece completed your game, you should consider submitting to The Interactive Fiction Competition or WordPlay.

With Twine, you can just put your exported file online using the web host of your choosing. If you’re looking for a place to upload your Twine file you can try, there you can find free hosting.

ZED.TO: An Immersive Narrative Experience

ZED.TO – an immersive biotech adventure from Trevor Haldenby on Vimeo.

ZED.TO is a really cool project that is exploring the boundaries of modern entertainment by simulating the destruction of the world over eight months. They’re in the middle of their IndieGoGO campaign and just announced that they’ve added some more treats to people who fund them.

This project looks to be inspired by everything from interactive theatre to alternate reality games to the concept of gamification.

From their project description:

ZED.TO is an attempt to make theatre more relevant in the age of digital media. We want to use the tools of interaction and immersion to turn audiences into participants, and bring them into the story.

Immersive theatre has been around for years, but we feel that particularly in Toronto, its potential has not been fully realized. Unlike most other immersive productions, ZED.TO lets you have influence on the story. You’ll have the ability to make moral decisions that affect the story and events in real-time. Read this post on our blog for a more thorough discussion of our motivations.

ZED.TO Official site
ZED.TO on IndieGoGo

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