Participants of the Idiotarod were tasked with sourcing a shopping cart (no questions asked) and running it through a course. The “idiots” are to the carts what dogs are to sleds in the Iditarod. Participants dressed up in a team costume of their choice and looked like fun fools running through downtown Toronto. This event ran once back in 2008 and was inspired by the NYC Idiotarod.
From the project description on Things Are Good:
We’re de-contextualizing the shopping cart which is a device designed to have people consume more than they normally would. In the Idiotarod the shopping cart is not something that you’ll want to fill with objects. We’re taking a tool used for consumption and turning it into something fun.
At each checkpoint the Idiots (racers) will be given information from an environmental organization and condoms from a health organization. We’re trying to educate people about issues in their own city by providing a fun experience.
Covered by BlogTO and Torontoist.
Ran in 2008.
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