Game thinking from Adam Clare

Tag: game

Updated Game Creation Software List

I just added two new game making software options to the game creation software page.

I haven’t tried Corona one yet so I can’t speak from experience but it does look good. It looks like they have a code editor which can be very helpful (or dangerous) depending on your comfort dealing with code.

Stencyl is a easy to learn visual game editor that has some really good templates to start from. At the recent Gamercamp they had setup Stencyl for people to play around with during the game jam they ran during Maker U afternoon.

On their Stencyl blog they have example games and some hints and tips.

Profile on George Brown’s Games Program

The Star has a flattering write up on George Brown’s games program which has expanded quite a bit since it started.

Four years ago, there were only five students enrolled in the program; now there are 300. Although many students are talented artists, designers and developers, soft skills such as teamwork and creating new relationships are equally important. As part of its new game-design centre on King St. E., George Brown has created a $100,000 incubator space intended to make those connections even easier.

“We outgrew our old space at 230 Richmond very quickly,” says Jean-Paul Amore, director of the college’s game development program. “With our new space and the incubator, start-ups can bring their projects to students for development and testing. Our curriculum mimics a game studio, so it made total sense to have studios here with us.”

The incubator started as a pilot project a few years ago, as the instructors, who are drawn from the industry, encouraged students to do work for established companies and also to start their own.

Students in the postgraduate game design program, in particular, are expected to arrive at school with an idea for a game that can be commercialized.

Have a link.

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