Regular readers will know that I’m a fan of The Mission Business and their works (previously ZED.TO and Visitations). One of the Business members, Trevor, gave a talk at TEDxOCADU and it’s now online:
From the video description:
Trevor Haldenby is the imaginative thinker who focuses emerging technologies on exciting ideas.
He has worked as interactive producer and design consultant on a diverse array of digital projects: including the popular virtual world Habbo Hotel, and Earth Rangers’ Bring Back The Wild campaign.
Trevor’s own creative projects have won acclaim and redrawn borders in digital storytelling; including Painting The Myth: The Mystery of Tom Thomson and ZED.TO, an apocalyptic and futuristic transmedia adventure. These projects have been recognized with a 2012 Digi Award for Cross-Platform Fiction, Gold at the National Post Design Exchange Awards, and Best in Show at the Toronto Fringe Festival and World Future Society. Trevor is currently completing a Master’s of Design in Strategic Foresight & Innovation at OCAD University, and is co-founder of experience design collective The Mission Business.