Game thinking from Adam Clare

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Resources for Getting Into Philosophy

There is no easy way into philsiophy beyond asking questions and then once you think you know something ask more questions. Still, a starting point always helps (and has been requested by one of my classes) so here’s some places to begin your journey into the gigantic world of philosophical inquiry.

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is head over to YouTube and get some search results:

Watching all those videos takes time, as does reading Wikipedia’s philosophy portal. For faster consumption, you can take a look at the philosophy posts I’ve made. If you want to stay engaged in philosophical wonderings there’s more you can do.

The easiest way (at least as I see it) is to listen to the occasional podcast or watch the odd video found on the philosophy subreddit. Or have a laugh at Existential Comics.

Philosophy Podcasts:

Other places for more:

One cannot overstate the greatness of Heidegger in the Kitchen:

We Are All Too Human

Human, All Too Human is a good introduction to European existential philosophy made by the BBC in the last millennium. It’s worth watching if you’re curious about existentialism. If you want some other philosophy then check out the 90 minutes series.

Start with Friedrich Nietzsche to get a bit of a grounding then move on to Martin Heidegger to befuddle you then finish off the series withJean-Paul Sartre.

The audio in this first video is pretty bad, but the rest are fine.

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