Game thinking from Adam Clare

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Dames Making Games Starts Jeuxly

Dames making games

If you are female or know somebody who is and they are also interested in games then you should tell them about Jeuxly! Dames Making Games is at it again and it’s a great chance to learn the ins and outs of game making.

What’s Jeuxly?

Jeuxly, based on the model of JAMuary and the Difference Engine Initiative, will aim to get first-time female game-makers to make their own first games during the month of July (and half of August). We’ll be providing you with weekly group work sessions and peer mentoring at Bento Miso (a co-working space near Trinity Bellwoods Park, and DMG’s generous sponsor), an online support and resource package, and an opportunity to present their games in public at a Dames Making Games reception and social. The incubator will run in conjunction with The New Game Makers, a speaker and workshop series held at Bento Miso featuring female game professionals.

Apply online now! Deadline is June 10.

Hat tip to the Hand Eye Society

Getting Women in Games Development

The ever-excellent Mare Sheppard from Metanet and the Difference Engine Initiative gave a talk on the trials, issues, and complexities of integration of women-only events focused on women gamers at GDC yesterday. Gamasutra has a good write-up of her talk.

Another reason for the underrepresentation is pervasive stereotypes, which are automatic, misleading and often ingrained. Stereotyping “underscores the feeling echoed throughout our culture that women are abnormal, unusual and different,” she says. “This feeling that they don’t fit or don’t belong keeps many women from entering game development and similar fields.”

Sheppard says people are less likely to make eye contact with her or to shake her hand than they would be to engage with her male colleagues, especially in groups of people where she’s the only woman. People interrupt her more frequently in conversations and express doubt that she’s a programmer. “This certainly doesn’t happen at all times or with all people, but it happens a lot.”

I really wish I was able to see this talk, the word on the internet is that her talk was crowded and some people couldn’t get in!

Read more at Gamasutra

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