Game thinking from Adam Clare

Tag: carbon

Carbon Emissions in Minecraft

This might be the neatest experimental Minecraft mod that I’ve seen: AMEE mod, essentially carbon emissions in Minecraft. The mod tracks what you burn and then contacts AMEE to figure out how much carbon to toss into the atmosphere.

This might be a good way to teach about ecosystems and Earth’s atmosphere.

Of course, it’s not just wood. Loads of things burn, and not just in furnaces. The hack supports combustion of almost anything in minecraft; wood, planks, coal, tree saplings, and so on. I even put in some calculations for setting fire to cows (as any Minecraft player knows, an effective way to quickly get cooked beef). Even the hostile mobs like creepers have their emissions mapped (mostly to generic biomass calculations). I also added redstone (like electricity) emissions using AMEE’s realtime UK national grid data.

Inorganic Living ‘Lego Blocks’ That Can Evolve

This TED talk is really crazy insofar that speaker Lee Cronin explains how we can create inorganic matter that we can manipulate like Lego than we can let it evolve on its own.

He brushes off philosophy at the end of his talk then tries to define life in a very simplistic way. If anything, this a great chance for some really cool philosophy to explore what is life and why does it exist. By creating life ourselves was does that mean to us?

Is there an ethical responsibility to care for any life we create in a lab? If yes then what’s is god’s responsibility to us and if not, how do we hold people to account if their evolved life causes harm?

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